
"Thank you for your kindness."

Tonight I had the opportunity to sit in my joy. Have you ever been so filled up you feared you would burst? I did not want to move. I did not want to think. I do not want to look at my phone, say anything. I only want to be.

I only wanted to BE right where I was.

I look at this statement, and I smile. So often I forget to wake up, and I forget to be present in my own life. Tonight I did not rush. I did not wish.

I only wanted to BE right where I was.

So what's the product of all this joy? Why the weird hippie talk?

A Penny and Sparrow/ Judah & The Lion Concert


I had the honor to stand in a group of people and watch them become my family. I had the privilege to smile and laugh at the notion that melodies could be so effortless, so genuine, and so brilliantly beautiful. I danced without eyes wandering. I worshiped my God without limits. I thanked my feet for aching. I was so pleased to have tired eyes.

All of this because-- I have a limited frame. I break, I buy, and one day die. Yet, look at the lines within. Do you see the journey? Do you see the growth? Do you see the learning?  
I am limited and I rejoice in it.


My God is not limited. My God does not change.

I saw Him in unexpected places. He was in the joy of the dancing people around me. He was in the drum beats. He was in the words that went straight to the line of my heart and made it quake. He was in the music. This is not an unexpected place--my God is not limited and because of it neither am I.

How much does He love us?

I saw a glimpse of it tonight. 
I keep staring. 
Why would I look away?

For how much He loves us I want to everyone to know it.

Music has shown me once more how short, spirited, and sweet life is.
If that was not enough I got to meet one fabulous artist tonight, Andy Baxter of Penny and Sparrow. The joy of sharing this life. My cup runneth over.

"You and I have been set free.
Fear has got no grip on me.
You know I can see the Light.
Dead man coming back to LIFE"
"Back Against the Wall",
Judah & The Lion


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