The Lawless Hymn

"Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise." 
- George Gershwin


Some part of humanity thrives off chaos. High school girls can vouch that they love the highs and lows of drama. Storm chasers get paid to follow the path of destruction. We live in big cities--we love bedlam.

       Friday I had the opportunity to embrace a version of pandemonium. I went to The Kennedy Center which offers free shows every night at 6 p.m. One of which was Betty Carter's Jazz Ahead. Betty Carter created this group in 1993 to encourage young jazz musicians. In 1998, Washington, D. C. welcomed this tradition to The Kennedy Center. 

        Upon first taste, Jazz seems to be elated. I was close to sleep feeling as if all the stress was being charmed out of me by this lawless hymn. I was sitting on the floor but it may as well have been a recliner. Once the peacefulness subsided I experienced a perfect mess of notes, awkward harmonies, and sporadic instrumentation. One of the groups scatted and another harmonized while whistling. If a music note could smile-- I image it would look just like that.

        Another thing I observed was that these artists feed off the energy of each other. It was a community effort. They shared a vibe. They grinned within, bobbed uncontrollably, and swayed. It was different than any appreciation I had seen before. They were not simply cheering on their fellow musicians--they were pushing them. They were encouraging them that this was amazing and they were in awe. It was almost like their secret way of helping them war off stage fright. It was as if they were saying 'I'm right here, and I love what you are doing'.

All this without a single word. That is the power of music.

        I'm one for open roads, wandering, and quiet reflection. Little did I know jazz is a hippie's rock music. Jazz is a functioning mosh pit for individuals who are too chill to function. Jazz is a lawless hymn.

Jazz is livin' high off nickels and dimes,
Telling folks 'bout what's on your mind,
Jazz ain't nothin' but soul!

For me, jazz is all the truth to be found,
Never mind who's puttin' it down,
Jazz ain't nothin' but soul!
Jazz (Ain't Nothing but Soul), Betty Carter


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